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國立臺北大學 企業管理學系 陳宥杉、林俊佑所指導 羅偉元的 知識分享行為前因之探討:跨層次中介分析 (2020),提出bowling lane for sal關鍵因素是什麼,來自於知識分享行為、組織學習文化、社會資本、創意自我效能、組織認同、跨層次分析。

而第二篇論文輔仁大學 英國語文學系碩士班 劉紀雯所指導 鄭麗舲的 異域遊玩:《第十四道門》小說與電影中的過渡空間 (2019),提出因為有 《第十四道門》、成長、溫尼考特、過渡客體、過渡空間、遊玩、身分遊戲、社會遊戲的重點而找出了 bowling lane for sal的解答。


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為了解決bowling lane for sal的問題,作者羅偉元 這樣論述:

知識是組織價值的主要來源,而創造組織價值則取決於組織蒐集和運用知識的能力。且激烈的競爭性、複雜性、動態和快速變遷的環境,組織更須依賴提升知識分享等相關能力,以能維繫競爭優勢和永續成長。本研究由社會認知理論、自我效能理論、及社會認同理論之觀點,探討組織層次的組織學習文化、社會資本,及個人層次的創意自我效能與組織認同,對個人知識分享行為的影響。並以創意自我效能及組織認同作為中介變項,分別檢視其中是否具有跨層次之中介效果。本研究之研究對象為我國各級政府行政機關之公務人員,採問卷調查法,共發放40個政府機關,1,200份問卷。最終回收有效問卷909份,回收率為 75.75%。續以SPSS、AMOS及




為了解決bowling lane for sal的問題,作者鄭麗舲 這樣論述:

Early critics on Neil Gaiman’s Coraline (2002) tend to go for a Freudian or Lacanian reading, studying either signs of the uncanny or infantile cathexes. However, they overlook the various play activities and experience and understate the positive influence that the “play zone,” that is, the Other

Mother’s world, has on Coraline’s growth. Therefore, this thesis re-interprets the space of growth in Coraline by using Winnicott’s theory of transitional space, in which he proposes an intermediate area between the subjective and objective reality that is vital to the emotional development of the i

nfant and overlaps with the space of playing. I argue that what Coraline in the novel Coraline and its filmic adaptation experiences as she enters the other world and comes back again is “playing” in the transitional space; in the novel, the play is that of identity, while in the film, Coraline’s i

dentity formation happens through social play.This thesis is divided into two chapters. The first focuses on Coraline’s identity play and her creative pursuit in the novel Coraline. Analyzing the reciprocate play between Coraline and the Other Mother, I argue that the Other Mother is a good enough/

trustworthy mother for Coraline to develop and “recollect” herself in face of uncertainty and anxiety caused by environmental changes.The second chapter focuses on film Coraline’s social growth in play and the visual presentation of the transitional space. I argue that in the film through crossing i

n and out of the Other Realm, Coraline accomplishes one stage in her personal growth through developing positive social relationships with others around her.The thesis concludes that the Other Realm functions as a liminal space for Coraline to experience and test out her interpersonal relationship a

nd social roles, though the degrees of socialization differ in the two texts, with Coraline expecting to go to school in one, and serving in a community party in the other.