Flower Bush的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列包括賽程、直播線上看和比分戰績懶人包

Flower Bush的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦李夏寫的 澳洲花鳥手帖 和亨利.梭羅的 野果:183種果實踏查,梭羅用最後十年光陰獻給野果的小情歌都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站Easy to Grow and Maintain Flowering Shrubs - Midwest ...也說明:Bluebeard Caryopteris is a great flowering shrub that is very easy to grow. It puts up with heat and drought and attracts birds and butterflies.

這兩本書分別來自健行 和自由之丘所出版 。

長庚大學 電子工程學系 賴朝松所指導 Mamina Sahoo的 基於石墨烯及生物碳基材料的可撓式電晶體應用與能量攫取 (2021),提出Flower Bush關鍵因素是什麼,來自於石墨烯、氟化石墨烯、太阳能电池、摩擦纳米发电机、生物碳、能量收集器。

而第二篇論文國立彰化師範大學 生物學系 温育德所指導 鄭佳馨的 螢光染劑在昆蟲標記之應用 (2021),提出因為有 螞蟻、蚊子、螢光染劑的重點而找出了 Flower Bush的解答。

最後網站11 Stunning Yellow Flowering Bushes & Shrubs (low ...則補充:Yellow flowers aren't just pretty to look at. Yellow flowering shrubs can benefit your entire garden and the local ecosystem, too! Many bees and ...


除了Flower Bush,大家也想知道這些:


為了解決Flower Bush的問題,作者李夏 這樣論述:

  這是一部自然之書,體現在對於植物與動物生存狀態的細緻觀察,以及非常有趣的描摹。     位於南半球的澳洲是世界上最乾燥的大陸,沙漠和半乾旱地區覆蓋了七○%的國土,但卻擁有豐富多樣的生態系統,從石楠荒原到熱帶雨林,是全球十七個生態多樣化超級大國之一;又因為長期與世隔絕,氣候複雜多變,演變出大量當地獨有的植物。歐洲人曾嘗試改造和培育澳洲植物,但往往失敗,因為這塊古老的土地孤獨太久,孕育的生物野性難馴。     南北半球的自然區隔,讓我們看到豐富而奇異的花鳥植物,也給我們知識上的驚異。     儘管有風調雨順的時候,更多是持續的乾旱,葉片在進行必需的光合作用的同時

把自己用蠟質層嚴密包裹封存水汽;同時山火不斷,很多植物的種子因此高居枝頭或深埋地下,直到氣候和環境發生劇烈變化才會發芽。澳洲最具代表性的佛塔花的種子在枝頭可以一待十數載,沉睡多年的珍貴的粉紅色法蘭絨花則只在雪梨山火周年之後的夏天成片開放,成為很多人一生經歷一次的壯景奇觀。     在法國探險家的筆下,澳洲叢林空曠而密集,被強烈的日光照耀,被深刻的陰影雕琢,奇異又生動,令人驚訝地擁有一種無盡、永恆的美感。透過作者以植物命運引發的種種觸目驚心的生命感喟,你將會發現,叢林從來不只是叢林,花從來不只是花……   本書特色     ★對於植物與動物生存狀態的細緻觀察,以及非常有趣的

描摹。   ★以植物命運引發的觸目驚心的生命感喟,更是書中的精彩所在。   ★在圖文並茂的自然之書中,領略到餘味無盡的人性溫度。   ★收錄近百張精緻的植物、花鳥、動物的寫真照片,展現特殊的生態、自然精神。   一致推薦     作家 王盛弘、謝子凡、顏擇雅、植人設影創辦人 呂岢頻     推薦書評     要說這是一部自然之書吧,李夏又分明是帶著我們直接奔向關於人類的思考,本書中的每一篇文章的標題,彷彿都在提示著我們關於生命的啟迪。每一篇看似描寫植物花鳥的內容,也都彷彿是在為人生尋找著隱喻和注解。――韜奮基金會閱讀組織聯合會會長&一起悅讀俱樂部

創始人   石恢     每一片舒展的葉脈、每一隻跳耀的生物,都向你展示著澳洲的獨特性,走入自然的人,都無法停止讚嘆,生命所展現的力量。――植人設影創辦人呂岢頻    


為了解決Flower Bush的問題,作者Mamina Sahoo 這樣論述:

Table of ContentsAbstract.......................................................................................................iFigure Captions........................................................................................xiTable Captions...................................................

....................................xxiChapter 1: Introduction1.1 Flexible electronics................................................................................11.2 Graphene the magical material ………………………….……….......21.2.1 Synthesis of graphene…………………………….….…... Mechanical exfoliati

on of graphene………………...…… Epitaxial growth on Sic substrate………………….….. Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method………….…..41.2.2 Graphene transfer…………………………………………....41.3 Application of graphene based Electronics……………………….......51.3.1 Graphene based flexible transparent electrode

……………….61.3.2 Top gated Graphene field effect transistor…………………….71.4 Challenges of flexible graphene based field effect transistors.……….91.5 Energy harvesting devices for flexible electronics………….........….91.6 Solar cell…………………………………………………………...101.6.1 Device architecture…………………………………………101.

6.2 Issues and Challenges of Perovskite solar cells………...121.7 Triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG)………………………………121.7.1 Working mode of TENG………………………………….141.8 Applications of TENG………………………………………………151.8.1 Applications of graphene based TENG…………………....151.8.2 Applications of bio-waste material ba

sed TENG………….171.9 Key challenges of triboelectric nanogenerator…………………....…191.10 Objective and scope of this study………………………………....19Chapter 2: Flexible graphene field effect transistor with fluorinated graphene as gate dielectric2.1 Introduction………………………………………………………....212.2 Material preparation a

nd Device fabrication………………. 232.2.1CVD Growth of Graphene on Copper Foil………………….232.2.2 Transfer of graphene over PET substrate……………...........252.2.3 Fabrication of fluorinated graphene ……………...........252.2.4 F-GFETs with FG as gate dielectric device fabrication……262.2.5 Material and electrical C

haracterization …………………272.3 Results and discussion…………………………………………….282.3.1 Material characterization of PG and FG……………...…...….282.3.2 Electrical characterization of F-GFET with FG as dielectrics..332.3.3 Mechanical stability test of F-GFET with FG as dielectrics ….362.4 Summary…………………………………………………

………....40Chapter 3: Robust sandwiched fluorinated graphene for highly reliable flexible electronics3.1 Introduction………………………………………………………….423.2 Material preparation and Device fabrication ………………….........443.2.1 CVD Growth of Graphene on Copper Foil…………………...443.2.2 Graphene fluorination …...…….…………

…………..............443.2.3 F-GFETs with sandwiched FG device fabrication....................443.2.4 Material and electrical Characterization…..............................453.3 Results and discussion ……………………………………...............453.3.1 Material characterization of sandwiched…………………….453.3.2 Electric

al characterization of F-GFET with sandwiched FG....473.3.3 Mechanical stability test of F-GFET with sandwiched FG…503.3.4 Strain transfer mechanism of sandwiched FG………………513.4 Summary…………………………………………………………....53Chapter 4: Functionalized fluorinated graphene as a novel hole transporting layer for ef

ficient inverted perovskite solar cells4.1 Introduction………………………………………………………….544.2 Material preparation and Device fabrication......................................564.2.1 Materials ………………………...…………………………564.2.2 CVD-Graphene growth ……………………………...…...564.2.3 Graphene fluorination …………………………………….564.

2.4 Transfer of fluorinated graphene…………………………...574.2.5 Device fabrication …………………………………….….574.2.6 Material and electrical Characterization …….....................584.3 Results and discussion …………………………………………….594.3.1 Surface electronic and optical properties of FGr……….….594.3.2 Characterization o

f FGr and perovskite surface ……….…644.3.3 Electrical performance of PSC………………….…….…...694.3.4 Electrical performance of Flexible PSC……………………724.4 Summary…………………………………………………………...78Chapter 5: Flexible layered-graphene charge modulation for highly stable triboelectric nanogenerator5.1 Introduction…………

…………………………………………....795.2 Experimental Section……………………………………………….825.2.1 Large-area graphene growth ……………………………….825.2.2 Fabrication of Al2O3 as the CTL …………………………...825.2.3 Fabrication of a Gr-TENG with Al2O3 as the CTL………825.2.4 Material characterization and electrical measurements…….835.3 Results

and discussion.…………………………………...…………845.3.1 Material Characterization of Graphene Layers/Al2O3……845.3.2 Working Mechanism of Gr-TENG with Al2O3 as CTL…915.3.3 Electrical Characterization of Gr-TENG with Al2O3 CTL…945.3.4 Applications of the Gr-TENG with Al2O3 as CTL……….1015.4 Summary…………………………………………

……………….103Chapter 6: Eco-friendly Spent coffee ground bio-TENG for high performance flexible energy harvester6.1 Introduction…………………………………………………….......1046.2 Experimental Section…………………………………………….1086.2.1 Material Preparation …………………………………….1086.2.2 Fabrication of SCG powder based TENG………………...1086

.2.3 Fabrication of SCG thin-film based TENG ………………1096.2.4 Material characterization and electrical measurements….1106.3 Results and discussion.…………………………………...………1116.3.1 Material Characterization of SCG powder and thin film….1116.3.2 Working Mechanism of SCG-TENG……………………...1186.3.3 Electrical Cha

racterization of SCG-TENG……………….1226.3.4 Applications of the SCG thin-film based TENG………….1326.4 Summary………………………………………………………….134Chapter 7: Conclusions and future perspectives7.1 Conclusion………………………………………………………....1357.2 Future work …………………………….………………………….1377.2.1 Overview of flexible fluorinated g

raphene TENG..............1377.2.1.1 Initial results………………………………….…1387. Fabrication of FG-TENG………………1387. Working principle of FG-TENG……….1397. Electrical output of FG-TENG.………...140References…………………………………………………………….142Appendix A: List of publications………………….……………..........177A

ppendix B: Fabrication process of GFETs with fluorinated graphene (FG) as gate dielectric……........……………………………………….179Appendix C: Fabrication process of GFETs with sandwiched FG…....180Appendix D: Fabrication process of inverted perovskite solar cell with FGr as HTL…………………………………………………………….181Appendi

x E: Fabrication of a Gr-TENG with Al2O3 as the CTL…….182Appendix F: Fabrication of SCG based triboelectric nanogenerator….183Figure captionsFigure 1-1 Exfoliated graphene on SiO2/Si wafer……………………….3Figure 1-2 Epitaxial graphene growth on SiC substrate………………....3Figure 1-3 Growth mechanism of graphe

ne on Cu foil by CVD ……......4Figure 1-4 Wet transfer process of CVD grown graphene…………...….5Figure 1-5 RGO/PET based electrodes as a flexible touch screen.……....6Figure 1-6 Graphene based (a) touch panel (b) touch-screen phone…….7Figure 1-7 Flexible graphene transistors (a) (Top) Optical photograph

of an array of flexible, self-aligned GFETs on PET. (Bottom) The corresponding schematic shows a device layout. (b) Schematic cross-sectional and top views of top-gated graphene flake–based gigahertz transistors. (Left) AFM image of a graphene flake. (Right) Photograph of flexible graphene devices

fabricated on a PI substrate. (c) Cross-sectional schematic of flexible GFETs fabricated using a self-aligned process……8Figure 1-8 The magnitude of power needed for meet certain operation depending critically on the scale and applications………………………10Figure 1-9 Schematic diagrams of PSC in the (a) n-i

-p mesoscopic, (b) n-i-p planar, (c) p-i-n planar, and (d) p-i-n mesoscopic structures………...12Figure 1-10 Schematic illustration of the first TENG...………………...13Figure 1-11 Working modes of the TENG. (a) The vertical contact-separation mode. (b) The lateral sliding mode. (c) The single-electrode mode

. (d) The free-standing mode ………………………………...……14Figure 1-12 Schematic illustration of (a) device fabrication of graphene-based TENGs (b) graphene/EVA/PET-based triboelectric nanogenerators (c) device fabrication of stretchable CG based TENG with electrical output performance……………………………………………………...17

Figure 1-13 Schematic illustration and output performance of bio-waste material based TENG (a) Rice-husk (b) Tea leaves (c) Sun flower powder (SFP) (d) Wheat stalk based TENG………….…………………………18Figure 2-1 Graphene synthesis by LPCVD method……….…………...24Figure 2-2 Schematic diagram of (a) preparation pro

cess of 1L-FG/copper foil (b) Layer by layer assembly method was used for fabricating three-layer graphene over copper foil and then CF4 plasma treatment from top side to form 3L-FG/copper foil…………………….26Figure 2-3 Schematic illustration of fabrication process of F-GFET with FG as gate dielectric ……

……………………………………………….27Figure 2-4 (a) Raman spectra of PG, 1L-FG and 3L-FG after 30 min of CF4 plasma treatment over copper foil. (b) Peak intensities ratio ID/IG and optical transmittance of PG, 1L-FG and 3L-FG. Inset: image of PG and 1L-FG film over PET substrate. (c) Typical Raman spectra of PG, 1L

-FG and 3L-FG on PET substrate. (d) Optical transmittance of PG, 1L-FG and 3L-FG film over PET substrate. The inset shows the optical image of GFETs with FG as gate dielectrics on PET ……….…………30Figure 2-5 XPS analysis result of (a) PG (b) 1L-FG (c) 3L-FG where the C1s core level and several carbon f

luorine components are labeled. The inset shows the fluorine peak (F 1s) at 688.5 eV……………………….32Figure 2-6 (a) Water contact angle of PG, 1L-FG and 3L-FG over PET substrate. (b) The relationship between water contact angle of PG, 1L-FG and 3L-FG and surface-roughness………………………………………33Figure 2-7 (a) I

d vs. Vd of w/o-FG, w/1L-FG and w/3L-FG samples after 30 min of CF4 plasma (b) Id vs. Vg of w/o-FG, w/1L-FG and w/3L-FG samples at a fixed value of drain to source voltage, Vds of 0.5 V (c) Gate capacitance of w/o-FG, w/1L-FG and w/3L-FG samples (d) Gate leakage current of w/o-FG (naturally formed A

l2OX as gate dielectric), w/1L-FG and w/3L-FG samples ……………………………...…………...……...34Figure 2-8 (a) Schematic illustration of bending measurement setup at different bending radius. (i) Device measurement at (i) flat condition (ii) bending radius of 10 mm (iii) 8 mm (iv) 6 mm. Inset shows the photograph

of measurement setup. Change in (b) carrier mobility (c) ION of w/o-FG, w/1L-FG and w/3L-FG samples as a function of bending radius. The symbol ∞ represents the flat condition. Change in (d) carrier mobility (e) ION of w/o-FG, w/1L-FG and w/3L-FG samples as a function of bending cycles (Strain = 1.

56%)…………………………………….38Figure 3-1 Schematic illustration of the flexible top gate graphene field effect transistor with sandwich fluorinated graphene (FG as gate dielectric and substrate passivation layer) ……………………………...…………44Figure 3-2 Raman spectra of (a) PG/PET and PG/FG/PET substrate (b) sandwiche

d FG (FG/PG/FG/PET). Inset showing the optical transmittance of sandwiched FG. (c) HRTEM image for 1L-FG.……………….….…46Figure 3-3 (a) Id vs. Vd of FG/PG/FG device at variable vg (−2 to 2 V). (b) Id vs. Vg of FG/PG/FG. (c) Gate capacitance of FG/PG/FG ….…….48Figure 3-4 Raman spectra of devices under be

nding (a) PG/PET (Inset shows the 2D peak) (b) PG/FG/PET (inset shows the 2D peak) …….…49Figure 3-5 (a) Change in Mobility (b) change in ION of PG/PET and PG/FG/PET as a function of bending radius between bending radii of ∞ to 1.6 mm in tensile mode (c) Change in Mobility (d) Change in ION of PG/PET

and PG/FG/PET as a function of bending cycles. Inset of (c) shows the photograph of F-GFETs with sandwich FG on the PET substrate (e) change in resistance of w/1L-FG, 1L-FG/PG/1L-FG samples as a function of bending radius ………………………...……………….50Figure 3-6 Schematic evolution of proposed strain transf

er mechanism through PG/PET and PG/FG/PET. The inset of PG/PET sample shows the generation of sliding charge due to interfacial sliding between PG and PET ………………………………………………………………….….52Figure 4-1 FGr fabrication and transfer process …………….………....57Figure 4-2 (a) Raman analysis of pristine graphene a

nd the FGr samples after 5, 10, 20, and 30 min of CF4 plasma treatment over Cu foil (b) Raman intensity ratios (I2D/IG and ID/IG) of fluorinated graphene, with respect to the exposure time ……………………………………………60Figure 4-3 SEM images of (a) ITO, (b) ITO/1L-FGr, (c) ITO/2L-FGr, and (d) ITO/3L-FGr …………………

………………………………….61Figure 4-4 XPS analysis of FGr with (a) 5 min (b) 10 min and (c) 20 min of CF4 plasma treatment on the Cu foil (d) The fluorine peak (F1s) of FGr (f) The correlation of the carbon-to-fluorine fraction (C/F) with exposure time and the corresponding carrier concentrations …………….………62Fi

gure 4-5 Tauc plots and UV–Vis absorption spectra of FGr films with CF4 plasma treatment for (a) 5, (b) 10, and (c) 20 min ….………......….63Figure 4-6 WCAs on PEDOT: PSS and 1L, 2L, and 3L FGr samples ...64Figure 4-7 (a) Mechanism of large grain growth of perovskite on a non-wetting surface (b) Top-vi

ew and cross-sectional surface morphologies of perovskites on various HTLs ………………………………...…………65Figure 4-8 XRD of perovskite films on various HTL substrates ….…...66Figure 4-9 UPS spectra of various numbers of FGr layers on ITO: (a) cut-off and (b) valance band spectra …………………………………….….67Figure 4-10

Energy band diagrams of PSCs with (a) PEDOT: PSS, (b) 1L-FGr, (c) 2L-FGr, and (d) 3L-FGr as HTL …………………….…….68Figure 4-11 (a) Steady state PL spectra of PEDOT: PSS/perovskite and FGr/perovskite films. (b) TRPL spectral decay of PEDOT: PSS/perovskite and FGr/perovskite films………………………….……69Figure 4-1

2 (a) Schematic representation of a PSC having an inverted device configuration. (b) Cross-sectional HRTEM image of the ITO/ FGr–perovskite interface………………………………………...………70Figure 4-13 Photovoltaic parameters of PSCs incorporating various HTL substrates: (a) PCE (%), (b) Voc (V), (c) Jsc (mA/cm2), an

d (d) FF (%)....71Figure 4-14 Normalized PCEs of target and control PSCs incorporating various HTL substrates, measured in a N2-filled glove box. (a) Thermal stability at 60 °C (b) Light soaking effect under 1 Sun (c) Stability after several days …………………………………………………………….72Figure 4-15 (a) Schematic r

epresentation of the structure of a flexible PSC on a PET substrate (b) J–V curves of control and target flexible PSCs, measured under both forward and reverse biases. (c) Average PCE of flexible PSCs incorporating PEDOT: PSS and FGr HTLs……….…73Figure 4-16 (a) Normalized averaged PCEs of the flexibl

e PSCs after bending for 10 cycles at various bending radii. (b) Normalized averaged PCEs of the flexible PSCs plotted with respect to the number of bending cycles at a radius of 6 mm ………………………………………………75Figure 4-17 Photovoltaics parameters of flexible PSCs with various HTL substrates: (a) JSC (mA/c

m2), (b) Voc (V), and (c) FF (%) ……………....75Figure 4-18 XRD patterns of perovskite films on PET/ITO/FGr, recorded before and after bending 500 times …………………………………….76Figure 4-19 SEM images of (a) perovskite films/FGr/ITO/PET before bending (b) after bending 500 times (c) perovskite films/PEDOT: PSS/

ITO/PET before bending (d) after bending 500 times ……………….…77Figure 4-20 PL spectra of perovskite films on PET/ITO/FGr, recorded before and after various bending cycles …………………………….…78Figure 5-1 Schematic illustration showing the fabrication process of a flexible Gr-TENG with Al2O3 as the CTL ……………

………………...83Figure 5-2 The Raman spectra of (a) graphene/Al-foil/PET and (b) graphene/Al2O3/Al-foil/PET. The I2D/IG of graphene layers (1L, 3L and 5L) over (c) Al-foil/PET substrate (d) Al2O3/Al-foil/PET substrate …...85Figure 5-3 XRD patterns of (a) graphene/Al-foil/PET and (b) graphene/Al2O3/Al-foi

l/PET ……………………………………………86Figure 5-4 FESEM image of the graphene surface on (a) Al-foil/PET and (b) Al2O3/Al-foil/PET. EDS analysis of (c) graphene/Al-foil/PET and (d) graphene/Al2O3/Al-foil/PET (e) EDS elemental mapping of the graphene/Al2O3/Al-foil/PET presenting C K series, O K series and Al K ser

ies …………………………………………………………….………87Figure 5-5 3D AFM images of (a) 1L-Gr (b) 3L-Gr (c) 5L-Gr on Al foil (d) 1L-Gr (e) 3L-Gr (f) 5L-Gr on Al2O3/Al foil………………….….….89Figure 5-6 Work function of graphene layers on the (a) Al-foil (b) Al2O3/Al-foil substrate by KPFM. Inset showing the surface potential of

graphene layers (1L, 3L and 5L) over Al-foil and Al2O3 substrate (c) energy band diagrams for 1L-Gr, 3L-Gr and 5L-Gr over Al2O3 ……....90Figure 5-7 Schematic illustration of Electronic energy levels of graphene samples and AFM tip without and with electrical contact for three cases: (i) tip and the

1L-Gr (ii) tip and the 3L-Gr and (iii) tip and the 5L-Gr over Al2O3/Al foil/PET……………………………………….…...…………91Figure 5-8 Working mechanism of Gr-TENG with Al2O3 ….….…...…93Figure 5-9 a) ISC and (b) VOC of 1L-, 3L- and 5L-Gr-TENGs without Al2O3 CTL (c) Sheet resistance of graphene as a function of number

of layers ………………………………...…...…………………………….95Figure 5-10 Electrical output of the Gr-TENG with Al2O3 CTL: (a) ISC and (b) VOC of 1L-, 3L- and 5L-Gr. Magnification of the (c) ISC and (d) VOC of the 3L-Gr-TENG with Al2O3 as the CTL. Average mean (e) ISC and (f) VOC generated by pristine Gr-TENGs (1L, 3L

and 5L) and Gr-TENGs (1L, 3L and 5L) with Al2O3 CTL. Error bars indicate standard deviations for 4 sets of data points ……………...…………….….…......96Figure 5-11 (a) CV of Al/Al2O3/3L-Gr/Al at 100 kHz and 1 MHz (b) CV hysteresis of 3L-Gr-TENG with Al2O3 as CTL with different sweeping voltages (c) Surface

charge density of graphene (1L, 3L and 5L)-based TENG with and without Al2O3 as CTL ………………………………...98Figure 5-12 Circuit diagram of output (a) VOC and (b) ISC measurement of 3L-Gr TENG with Al2O3 CTL as a function of different resistors as external loads. Variation in VOC and ISC w.r.t different re

sistors as external loads of (c) 3L-Gr TENG with Al2O3 CTL (d) 3L-Gr TENG without Al2O3 CTL. Relationship between electrical output power and external loading resistance (e) 3L-Gr TENG with Al2O3 CTL (f) 3L-Gr TENG without Al2O3 CTL…………………………………….………………...99Figure 5-13 (a)Electrical stability and du

rability of the 3L-Gr TENG with Al2O3 (b) Schematic illustrations showing the charge-trapping mechanism of 3L-Gr-TENG without and with Al2O3 charge trapping layer ………101Figure 5-14 (a) Photograph showing 20 LEDs being powered (b) Circuit diagram of bridge rectifier (c) Charging curves of capacitors

with various capacitances (d) Photograph of powering a timer …….………………102Figure 6-1 The schematic diagram of the fabrication process for SCG powder based TENG ……………………………………………….….108Figure 6-2 The schematic diagram of the fabrication process for SCG thin-film based TENG via thermal evaporation meth

od ………………109Figure 6-3 FESEM image of (a) SCG powder (inset image illustrates the high magnification of SCG powder) (b) SCG thin-film/Al foil/PET (inset image illustrates the high magnification of SCG thin-film). EDS of the (c) SCG powder (d) SCG thin-film/Al foil/PET…………………………. 112Figure 6-4 Raman

spectra analysis (a) pristine SCG powder (b) SCG thin-film/Al foil/PET. XRD patterns of (c) SCG powder (d) SCG thin film with different thickness ……………………………………… ……….115Figure 6-5 FTIR analysis of the (a) pristine SCG powder sample (b) SCG thin film………………………………………………………………...116Figure 6-6 3D AFM ima

ge of SCG thin-film with various thickness (a) 50 nm (b)100 nm and (c) 200 nm……………………………………...117Figure 6-7 Schematic illustration of working principle of SCG thin-film based TENG …………………………………………………………...119Figure 6-8 Finite element simulation of the generated voltage difference for SCG thin-film b

ased TENG based on the contact and separation between SCG thin film and PTFE …………….……………………….120Figure 6-9 (a) The setup for electrical property testing, which including a Keithley 6514 system electrometer and linear motor. Electrical output (b) ISC (c) VOC of TENGs based on different friction pairs

for checking the triboelectric polarity of SCG…………………………………………...123Figure 6-10 Electrical measurement of (a) ISC and (b) VOC of the SCG thin-film based TENG. Mean value of (d) ISC (e) VOC and (f) Output power density of the pristine SCG powder and thermal deposited SCG thin-film based TENG. ...………

………………………………………125Figure 6-11 (a) Schematic illustration of KPFM for measuring the work function. (b) Surface potential images of SCG thin film with various thickness (50 nm, 100 nm and 200 nm). (c) Surface potential and (d) Work function vs SCG thin film with various thickness (50 nm, 100 nm and 20

0 nm).………….……………………………………………….128Figure 6-12 (a) Isc and (b) Voc of SCG thin film based TENG under different contact frequencies (c) Isc and (d) Voc of SCG thin film based TENG under different separation distance…………………………….129Figure 6-13 Electrical response (a) ISC (b) VOC of pristine SCG powder an

d (c) ISC (d) VOC of SCG thin-film based TENG with respect to different relative humidity (35-85% RH) …………………………….131Figure 6-14 Electrical stability and durability test of the output performance of (a) pristine SCG powder based TENG (b) SCG thin-film based TENG……………………………………………………………132Figure 6-15

Applications of the SCG thin film based TENG as a power supply: (a) Circuit diagram of the bridge-rectifier for charging a capacitor (b) Charging curves of capacitors with various capacitances (0.1, 2.2 and 3.3 µF) (c) Photograph of powering a timer…………………...………133Figure 7-1 Schematic illustration o

f FG based TENG…….….……….139Figure 7-2 Working mechanism of FG based TENG…………………140Figure 7-3 Electrical output of FG-TENG: (a) Isc and (b) Voc …….….141Table captionsTable 2-1 Comparison of flexible G-FETs on/off ratio of our work with other’s work…………………………………………………...………...40Table 3-1 Summary of th

e electrical and mechanical performance of flexible w/o-FG, w/ 1L-FG, w/3L-FG and sandwich FG (FG/PG/FG) samples......................................................................................................52Table 3.2: Comparison of the electrical and mechanical performance of sandwich FG ba

sed F-GFET with previous F-GFET with different gate dielectrics……………………………………………………….………53Table 4-1 Best photovoltaic performance from control and target devices prepared on rigid and flexible substrates……………………………......74Table 5-1 EDS elemental analysis of graphene over Al-foil/PET and Al2O3/Al-foi

l/PET ………………………………………………………88Table 5-2 Comparison of electrical output performance of Gr-TENGs with and without Al2O3 CTL samples used in this study………………103Table 6-1 EDS elemental analysis of SCG-Powder and SCG thin film /Al foil/PET………………………………………………………………...113Table 6-2 Comparison of electrical o

utput performance of SCG-TENGs samples used in this study……………………………………………...126


為了解決Flower Bush的問題,作者亨利.梭羅 這樣論述:

只有上帝才能讓草莓變得更完美, 但上帝也沒有這麼做, 因為草莓已經很完美了。   梭羅用生命最後十年光陰   獻給野果的小情歌   *逝世137年後,大師之作重見天日   *中文版精心繪製7張滿版彩圖,與46張珍貴黑白圖   1851年春,梭羅以表格列出每一季要觀察的植物和自然現象,他閱讀植物學家的著作,師法自然觀察技術,展開他長期的記錄,梭羅曾說:「我的天職就是不斷在大自然中發現上帝的存在。」1859年秋,梭羅提筆開始寫《野果》,然而臨終前仍未能完成野果的調查工作。   這本書從一年的五月雪融開春為始,到十一月寒冷冰凍來臨前,共收錄183種北美野果,從花期、結果日、成熟期,地理分布、

姿態樣貌,及至各類昆蟲、魚鳥與植物間的自然關係,更重要的,還有那果實滋味,他都娓娓道來。   梭羅與野果共舞十年,若不是肺病早逝,恐怕要付諸一生。梭羅在書中不做《湖濱散記》的哲人,而化身成和藹細心的田野踏查者,有著豐富知識又識得情趣的植物學家。梭羅關注的雖是生長於北美新英格蘭區的果實,然而透過他對果實的研究,感受他所投入的漫長時間,感受到他的柔軟,與對大地的濃濃愛意。   什麼是生活的品質?生活的可貴不在於金錢的獲得與物質的換取,梭羅期盼的是,親近腳下的自然環境,認識自然界的每一件事物,萬物生長無不配合四季運行,它們生來就是獨一無二的,每一種果實更牽引輻射出更大的生態圈。散步野外林間,賞野

果、採野果、吃野果,自然的殿堂給予我們的,遠遠比哈佛、耶魯學校給的更多。 本書特色   1.    【逝世137年後,大師之作重見天日】梭羅晚年傾其知識心血的力作,手稿曾經轉手多次,紙稿順序混亂,最後在1940年由紐約公共圖書館收入,並一直到梭羅學會的布蘭德利.P.迪先生花了多年時光,破譯梭羅難以辨認的筆跡,配合梭羅的日記、筆記及梭羅提到的著作才將這本因凌亂難以成章、字跡潦草難以卒讀而未見天日的手稿在1999年整理成書。   2.    【自然生態的經典】梭羅記錄所居北美新英格蘭的風土,四季的果實種類、成長與變化,梭羅有科學家的理性,及文學家的感性,文體自成一格,寓理於情,是自然生態觀察

與書寫的最佳範本。   3.    【台灣中文版第一本】梭羅傾注生命最後十年(如果不是肺病早逝恐怕要付諸一生),時隔130多年終於問世的心血之作。   4.    【中文版多幅精美插圖】:邀請台灣插畫家精心繪製數十幅黑白和彩色插圖,展現果實與自然姿態,彷如親臨北美田野。   5.    【反物質、反璞歸真的呼籲】18世紀從歐洲吹來的產業革命風潮,到了19世紀已使美國社會彌漫在高度的工商業發展,與物質主義氛圍,人們的價值觀改變了、精神層面被忽視,梭羅看見重工商主義帶來的衝擊,主張人要回歸自然,去平衡外在的世界。《野果》記的是小小的果實,觸動的卻是每一顆渴望擺脫現實束縛的心靈。是梭羅實踐土地

情懷的證明。   6.    【自然帶來的寧靜與喜悅】植株們數十年如一日發芽結果,每一顆果實都嬌媚,各有自己的天命,無不能感受人在自然中的渺小,寧靜又富含詩意,於何時何地(辦公室、家庭)任何情緒情境皆適用。   7.    【那些野果教我的事:讓天賦自由】每一果實都是獨特的生命,有獨特的風采,與滋味,誠如我們每一個人一樣。在你所屬的季節裡,綻放你最美最甜的模樣吧。   8.    【那些野果教我的事:從梭羅的野果觀察思考我們自己的土地關懷】色香味俱全的果實小百科,是以果實的角度來認識新英格蘭風情的另類旅行書寫。梭羅寫的對象是果實,讀之卻有風,有陽光,見樹更見林,有視覺,也有觸覺和味覺,旁

徵博引史詩與傳奇。他不是一個人登山的遠行者,不是湖邊的隱士哲人,不是義憤填膺的不服從公民,一年份的野果紀行,開花到結果,每一顆新鮮欲滴的果物不時喚起你思索真正的生活意義何在。   9.    【19世紀一位孤獨的美食家】梭羅走到哪裡摘到哪裡,摘什麼就嘗什麼。吃野果,是實驗精神,也是饕客精神,這是最佳的認識自己土地的方式。   10.    【精緻包裝】:精美的印刷值得中文讀者收藏,大方展示諸多果實圖像,遠觀近看,更是喜愛自然文學的讀者不可錯過的一本讀物。 名人推薦   李偉文(牙醫師.作家.環保志工)   范欽慧(自然作家、紀錄片編導、野地錄音師)   黃裕星(林業試驗所所長)   黃

麗錦(《野花999》、《野果遊樂園》作者)   ───愛不釋手推藨   這是我們這位偉大的自然作家最後的成果,《野果》堪稱美國福音──為我們展開自然的神聖畫卷,從每一頁上,呼之欲出的張力,那是身為自然主義者的梭羅和身為自然傳教士的梭羅之間的張力。──《時代》雜誌 作者簡介 亨利.梭羅Henry David Thoreau, 1817-1862   19世紀美國最具有世界影響力的作家、哲學家、超驗主義作家。生於麻塞諸塞州的康科德(Concord),1837年畢業於哈佛大學,1845年梭羅進行了一項為期兩年的試驗,移居到距離家鄉康科德城不遠的瓦爾登湖畔,在一座小木屋裡嘗試過一種簡單的自耕

自食的隱居生活。他出版於1854年的《湖濱散記》詳細記載了他在湖畔兩年又兩個月的生涯。   梭羅對工業文明、喧囂社會擠壓人類、侵蝕人性心懷憂慮,他認為人類只有過簡單淳樸的生活,才能享受到內心的輕鬆和愉悅。為此,他進入大自然進行探索,同時四處遠遊,以尋求生命之美和自然之光。他一生著作等身,在全世界都深受歡迎,著名論文《論公民的不服從權利》影響了托爾斯泰和聖雄甘地。主要作品包括《湖濱散記》、《種子的信仰》、《野果》、《緬因森林》、《河上一周》、《一個人的遠行》、《在荒野中航行》等等。梭羅因患肺病死於他的家鄉康科德,並被葬於麻薩諸塞州康科德城的斯利培山谷公墓(Sleepy Hollow Cemet

ery)。   〔譯序〕和梭羅一起採野果 前言 榆樹果(Elm) 蒲公英(Dandelion) 柳絮(Willows) 菖蒲(Sweet Flag) 柳葉蒲公英(鼠耳草)(Mouse-ear) 槭樹翅果(Maples) 草莓(Strawberry) 蟲癭結節(Galls and Puffs) 柳樹(Willows) 棠棣(Shad Bush) 矮灌早熟藍莓(Early Low Blueberry) 紅色矮腳黑莓(Red Low Blackberry) 人工種植櫻桃(Cultivated Cherry) 樹莓(懸鉤子或覆盆子)(Raspberry) 桑椹(Mulberry)

茅莓(Thimbleberry) 高灌藍莓(High Blueberry) 低灌晚熟藍莓(Late Low Blueberry) 黑越橘(Black Huckleberry) 臭臭的紅醋栗子(Red And Fetid Currants) 紅接骨木果(Red Elderberry) 北方野生紅櫻桃(Northern Wild Red Cherry) 薩爾莎(菝葜)(Sarsparilla) 低灌黑莓(Low Blackberry) 野生鵝莓(Wild Gooseberry) 金絲桃(Hypericums) 麥類(Grains) 鳳仙花(Touch-me-not) 野生冬青(Wild Holly

) 蕪菁(Turnip) 芝菜(Scheuchzeria) 阿龍尼亞苦味果(Chokeberry) 七瓣蓮(Trientalis) 臭菘(Skunk Cabbage) 沙櫻(Sand Cherry) 龍血樹果(Clintonia) 鼠麴草(Gnaphalium Uliginosum) 玉竹果(Polygonatum Pubescens) 高灌黑莓(High Blackberry) 美國稠李(Choke Cherry) 紅豆杉(Yew) 野蘋果(Wild Apples) 寶塔茱萸(Alternate Cornel) 常綠懸鉤子(Rubus Sempervariens) 鹿角漆樹(Staghorn

Sumac) 偃毛楤木(Bristly Aralia) 歐白英(Solanum Dulcamara) 延齡草(Trillium) 茱萸草(Dwarf Cornel) 西葫蘆(Summer Squash) 黑櫻桃(Black Cherry) 黑醋栗子(Black Currant) 狗舌草(Hound’s-tongue) 薊(Thistle) 糙葉斑鳩菊(Cohoshes) 蔓越莓(Common Cranberry) 西瓜(Watermelons) 接骨木(Elderberries) 晚熟越橘(Late Whortleberry) 齒葉莢蒾(Viburnum Dentatum) 李子(Plums

) 毛果越橘(Hairy Huckleberry) 厚皮甜瓜(Muskmelons) 馬鈴薯(Potatoes) 紅莢蒾(Viburnum Nudum) 歐洲花楸(European Mountain Ash) 白果山茱萸(White-berried Cornel) 主教紅瑞木(Cornus Sericea) 千里光(Groundsel) 滑麩楊(Smooth Sumac) 鋸齒草(Saw Grass) 早薔薇(Early Roses) 柳葉菜(Epilobium) 梨(Pear) 桃(Peach) 水酸模(Water Dock) 腐肉花(Carrion Flower) 海芋(Arum Trip

hyllum) 毒漆藤(Rhus Toxicodendron) 蒯草(Wool-grass) 美洲商陸(Poke) 落花生(Ground Nut) 歐洲榿木(Prinos Verticillatus) 甘松香(Spikenard) 香蒲(Cat-tail) 荊棘(Thorn) 三葉鹿藥(Smilacina Trifolia) 澤蘭(Fever-wort) 雙葉黃精(Two-leaved Solomon’s-seal) 伏牛子(Barberry) 無毛冬青(Prinos Lævigatus) 紅皮西洋梨(Red Pyrus) 辛辛那提山茱萸(Cornus Cincinnata) 木繡球(Swee

t Viburnum) 毒鹽膚木(Swamp Sumac) 南瓜(Pumpkins) 白蠟木(White Ash) 蔓虎刺(Mitchella) 毒漆樹(Poison Dogwood) 刺果毒漆藤(Rhus Radicans) 野生葡萄(Wild Grape) 假萎蕤(Smilacina Racemosa) 金錢草(Desmodium) 爬藤衛矛(Wax-work) 榛子(Hazel) 大花延齡草(Medeola) 豌豆(Peas) 豆(Beans) 歐洲酸蔓橘(European Cranberry) 黃樟(Sassafras) 灰胡桃(Butternut) 合果蘋(Peltandra) 梭魚

草(Pontederia) 百合(Lilies) 錦葵(Mallows) 花狀懸鉤子(Flowering Raspberry) 曼陀羅(Datura) 綠石南(Green-briar) 弓木(Viburnum Acerifolium) 黑梣樹(Black Ash) 糖罐子(Sweet Briar) 忍冬(Woodbine) 蛇麻草(Hop) 美洲高山梣(American Mountain Ash) 榿葉莢蓮(Viburnum Lantanoides) 矮橡樹果(Acorns:Shrub Oak) 紅橡樹果(Acorns:Red Oak) 黑橡樹果(Acorns:Black Oak) 白橡樹果(

Acorns:White Oak) 一般橡樹果(Acorns Generally) 釉彩延齡草(Painted Trillium) 藍果樹(Tupelo) 白松(White Pine) 野扁毛豆(Amphicarpæa) 鹿草(Rhexia) 金縷梅(Witch Hazel) 岩薔薇(Cistus) 龍葵(Solanum Nigrum) 豬屎豆(Crotalaria) 沼生菰(Zozania) 各種野草(Weeds And Grasses) 毛櫸(Beech) 秋薔薇(Late Rose) 熊果(Uva-ursi) 濱梅(Beach Plum) 馬利筋(Asclepias Cornuti) 寒

熱樹(Fever Bush) 山柳菊(Hieracium) 香楊梅(Sweet Gale) 鐵線蓮(Clematis) 穗花冬木(Panicled Andromeda) 胡枝子(Lespedeza) 七葉樹(Horse Chestnut) 賓州楊梅(Bayberry) 斑葉毒芹(Cicuta Maculata) 椴樹(Bass) 美洲懸鈴木(Button Bush) 金鐘柏(Arbor Vitæ) 糖槭(Sugar Maple) 木槿(Hibiscus) 玉米(Corn) 佛羅里達茱萸(Cornus Florida) 溫桲(Quince) 鬼針草(Bidens) 芹葉鉤吻(Hemlock) 黑

雲杉(Black Spruce) 落葉松(Larch) 朴樹(Celtis) 板栗(Chestnut) 各種核桃(Walnuts) 雪松(Cedar) 平鋪白珠果(Checkerberry) 秋天(The Fall) 黑核桃(Black Walnut) 黃樺(Yellow Birch) 赤楊(Alder) 粗皮山核桃(Shagbark) 朝鮮薊(Artichoke) 一枝黃花(Goldenrod) 白樺和黑樺(White And Black Birches) 北美脂松(Pitch Pine) 杜松子(Juniper Repens) 冬天的野果(Winter Fruits) 結語   推薦

序一 尋找知識與體驗之間的平衡   在台灣的環境教育,或者以狹義的自然生態教育的實施方式而言,一直有兩個不同的途徑,一種是知識上的教導,也就是所謂的自然解說,著重在鳥獸蟲魚的名稱,分類,作用……等等,另一種是自然體驗,強調忘掉知識,直接感受到自然生命的流動,著重在靈性的體會。   這兩種不同的做法彼此的追尋者也有過一些爭議與批判,「反智的體驗」「知識的強炙」……在對立之下似乎也各有流弊,比如追求知識到後來變成辨識物種比賽,自然知識只是研究者驕傲的文飾。相反的,一昧地只追求體驗,乃至於重視形式,或許也會形成讓民眾「困坐自然現場,一臉迷惑、尷尬、無聊」,難免流於「國王的新衣」之類的虛偽。

  那麼如何在知識與體驗間尋找一個平衡點?   其實在一百多年前,梭羅已為我們做了最好的示範。   最早,梭羅以《湖濱散記》開始,他也一直是自然體驗與靈修派的代表,他也曾加入亦師亦友的哲學家愛默生的「新英格蘭超驗主義俱樂部」,他也是近代把自然知識融入到更宏遠深邃地宗教靈修而且具有廣泛影響力的先驅。   但是,我們從這一本剛剛出土的《野果:跟著梭羅探訪183種果實之美》,以及前些年出版的《種子的信仰》可以得知,梭羅具有非常豐富的自然知識,也有非常科學又嚴謹的自然觀察技巧。   從梭羅身上我們知道,對一個真正熱愛自然生命,關心環境的人而言,知識的追尋與靈性體驗的經驗,兩者並不是互相對立,而

是一體的兩面。   若回到環境教育來說,梭羅的「野果」與一般的自然課老師不同,梭羅的文筆帶有深厚的個人色彩,是一個人滿懷欣喜與感動之餘的分享。課堂上的講解,有一定的內容與範圍,是制式化的,而個人的分享就很生活化,除了自然知識,還可以有人文歷史,是將個人的生命經驗透過這些野果來分享給大家。   環境教育是教育的一種,那種究竟什麼是教育?教育的本質是什麼?   我覺得教育基本上像是商業的買賣。   買賣成立的要件是有人賣,也要有人買。沒有人去買你的東西,應該就不能說完成了一件交易。   既然教育如同買賣,那麼當我們也想把某一項東西(觀念、想法、價值觀、知識……)去賣(傳遞)給別人。可是別

人如果完全沒有接受說你已經「教」了嗎?   因此,我認為,根本不需要徬徨於重視體驗或知識,「有效」應該是所有教育的根本。不管用任何方式任何技巧,只要有效、能影響人、能感動人,就是最好的方法。   孔子說「因材施教」實在很有道理,我們在同一個地方、同一個標地物進行自然解說教育時,對於不同對象所採用的方法一定是不一樣的,「有效」是我們評估的唯一指標,而不是在該重知識或該重體驗這種技術上的層次打轉。   在這「有效性」來說,梭羅從「湖濱散記」到「野果」,用不同方式跟我們示範了環境教育的方法。   而且梭羅不只離群索居獨自居住在湖濱成為所有愛好自然的人們嚮往的生活方式,即便後來他回歸城鎮,也不

斷藉由散步、旅行,示範與自然互動的方式。   其實我們之所以親近大自然,與自然互動有三種模式。第一種是好學問名型,不管是圍著解說員或指導老師發問或查閱圖鑑,以自然知識的追求為主。第二種是名士欣賞型,也就是到大自然裡散散心,紓解壓力,呼吸新鮮空氣,不在乎植物昆蟲的名稱。第三種是形上哲思型,在大自然中追求靈性的成長,直接感受大自然的奧秘。   這三種模式,也表明了大自然對人類的三種不同層次的功效。第一是具象的,鳥獸蟲魚的知識的確對這個我們生活的物質世界有所幫助,畢竟人類生存與發展的憑藉,都來自於大自然,甚至美的源頭,想像力與創造力的根源,也都是來自於大自然。同時多到大自然走走,對於我們的身體健

康也有所幫助。   第二層是心,也就是精神,人到大自然可以紓解壓力,從大自然豐富的生命裡可以激發我們的好奇心與對生命的熱情。第三層就是靈性的部分,也就是宗教的層次,探索生命的意義,人從哪裡來,人死後到哪裡去,這種生命萬物一體的共同感。   這三種不同層次的作用,在梭羅任何一本著作裡都可以看到,因為梭羅從來不會把自然知識視為單單只供我們利用與研究的對象,他可以從眼前的小小的野果讀出自然規律,看到那與人共通的屬性。   哲學家愛默生為梭羅所寫的傳記裡提到,梭羅以全部的熱情將他的天賦獻給了故鄉的田野,也不斷表示,他的家鄉就是最適合自然觀察的中心。   其實梭羅這種以住家附近為場域的自然觀察,

正是荒野保護協會這二十多年所仿效並推動的定點觀察。我們要求每個志工在自己的生活範圍之內找到一個屬於自己的私密花園,不限區域大小,可以大到一整個山谷溪流,也可以小到自家陽台或巷口的小公園,然後長期觀察那個地方一年四季中各種生物與環境的變化與互動。   經由這種觀察,我們可以了解到也許任何一個不起眼的地方都可能具有非常豐富的生態互動,也可以知道從自己的家門口就可以觀察,從自然中體會生命的珍貴與奧妙。   當然,以荒野保護協會身為環境保護團體的立場,我們也期待若串連起這種由小而大的住家附近的自然觀察,那麼荒野分散佈國數以萬計的志工就可以形成一個全面環境監測與守護網,只要任何地區被人為干擾或破壞了

,我們就可以立刻得知並且想辦法保護。   這種長期在住家附近場域的自然觀察,對個人來說,尤其是孩子,還有額外的好處,也就是建立人與土地情感的連結。   這個屬於自己的「祕密花園」,因為去的次數多,觀察久,就會產生感情,這種與土地親密的情感連結,在個人的生命進程上,也會扮演非常重要的角色。   美國西南部有個最大的印第安人保留區,納瓦荷人稱這片土地為「四角之地」,由他們神話中的四座聖山圍繞而成。納瓦荷的巫醫曾經這麼說:「記住你眼前所見,把目光停在一處,記住他的樣子。在下雪時觀察它,在青草初長時觀察它,在下雨時觀察它,記住它的氣味,來回走動探索山岩的觸感。如此一來,這地方便永遠伴隨你。當你遠

走他鄉,你可以呼喚它,當你需要它時,它就在那兒,在你心中。」   我想,這就是大自然可以撫慰人們心靈的原因吧!也就是我們感受大自然生命力的來源。就讓我們跟著《野果》,開始進行自己的觀察與紀錄吧!   李偉文 2016.09.26 推薦序二   梭羅在他44歲的英年,因肺病而早逝,以致許多曠世著作都在他身後才整理出書,但這完全不減損他對人類與自然平等論的深遠影響力。梭羅遺作《野果》一書的出版,以及中譯本的問世,都可使梭羅熱愛周遭生命的情愫直接感染讀者,值得大家細細品味。雖然新英格蘭地區的野果種類與臺灣大相逕庭,但啟發大眾關愛家鄉土地及自然野趣的意義是一樣的。讀者們千萬不要「全世界走透透、臺

灣山林沒走過」,效法梭羅,多親近故鄉村野、尋找野果吧!   黃裕星(林業試驗所所長) 推薦序三   亨利.梭羅是我十分喜愛的一位作者。他的《湖濱散記》、《種子的信仰》是我一讀再讀的好書。《野果》這本書則是梭羅對於家鄉北美新英格蘭地區的植物,十多年來的觀察記錄,十分詳實記錄了183種植物開花結果的日期以及生長環境。除了描述其型態,果熟的日期之外,更是善用五感體驗,細細品味野果的獨特滋味。例如:阿龍尼亞果在未成熟的階段,吃起來很刺喉嚨、讓人有冒煙的感覺,但真正成熟之後,吃起來就甜多了。有的野果具有野性,山楂一經人工種植,結的果就不好吃了。野蘋果只能在野外才能領略它的美味,若是把它們帶回家,「竟

然酸得能讓松鼠的牙倒掉、松鴉發出哀鳴」,唯有經歷大自然風霜雨露的試煉,才能轉化為種種味道,讓我們一一回味。   樸質純淨的文筆,引人入勝,字裡行間充滿了對於自然的喜悅與感動,讓人迫不及待跟隨著他的腳步走入山林,去體驗去看見這自然的美好。 找個時間,就由居家身邊的公園開始,去發現記錄屬於你的野果觀察故事吧~ 黃麗錦(《野花999》、《野果遊樂園》作者) Sweet flag菖蒲才不過五月十四日呢,河畔的菖蒲枝幹上生葉的分叉處,已經萌發一些細細的小東西,這些小東西綠綠的,既是果實也是花苞。我常拔出菖蒲,吃它的嫩葉。早年的植物學家吉羅德,曾這樣描述菖蒲:「菖蒲之花形狹長,極像香蒲之花,色澤淺褐





為了解決Flower Bush的問題,作者鄭佳馨 這樣論述:


的數量和行為常常需要標記特定的個體,但是市售的螢光染劑和螢光粉在使用時有些侷限。本研究合成新型的螢光螢光染劑:BCNO溶液,並將BCNO溶液分別加入SiO2和TiO2,增強其螢光強度。實驗結果顯示,蚊子適合使用BCNO溶液作為實驗藥劑,因為BCNO溶液造成蚊子死亡率低,螢光強度也蠻明顯的,而螞蟻適合使用BCNO+ TiO2溶液作為實驗藥劑,因為BCNO+ TiO2溶液在螞蟻體內的螢光強度,相對於其他藥劑高,本研究的結果可用於螢光標記螞蟻和蚊子,來了解螞蟻和蚊子的行為。