Issue synonym的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列包括賽程、直播線上看和比分戰績懶人包

Issue synonym的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Mondesir, Desiree M.寫的 Judging the Prophetic: Getting to the Heart of the Issue 和Thurs, Daniel Patrick的 Science Talk: Changing Notions of Science in American Culture都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站The Synonym Finder - Google 圖書結果也說明:3. expurgate, bowdlerize; delete, excise, expunge. edition, n. 1. issue, number, printing, press run. 2. volume, version, impression, exemplar. editor, ...

這兩本書分別來自 和所出版 。

國立中央大學 網路學習科技研究所 黃武元所指導 嚴烏納的 Developing and Validating the Questionnaire and Its Model for Sustainable and Scalable Authentic Contextual Learning Supported by Mobile Apps (2021),提出Issue synonym關鍵因素是什麼,來自於Authentic contextual learning、應用學習、合作學習、健康學習、認知、可持續性、可擴展性、行動應用程式、焦慮。

而第二篇論文國立政治大學 國際經營管理英語碩士學位學程(IMBA) 何小台所指導 平間麗美的 ICONIQ商業計劃書 – 後疫情時代下非接觸式社會之3D虛擬人像全息投影商業化實踐 (2021),提出因為有 3D、虛擬人類、全像攝影、COVID-19、後疫情、非接觸式社會、設計思維、創新、新創、商業計畫的重點而找出了 Issue synonym的解答。

最後網站Issue Synonyms & Antonyms則補充:issue noun · issue, numbernoun · topic, subject, issue, matternoun · issue, issuing, issuancenoun · issue, military issue, government issuenoun.


除了Issue synonym,大家也想知道這些:

Judging the Prophetic: Getting to the Heart of the Issue

為了解決Issue synonym的問題,作者Mondesir, Desiree M. 這樣論述:

In today's day and age, the word "judge" or "judging" typically gets a bad rap. Many associate it with being judgmental and all around negativity. Yet if one were to turn to Scripture, the word "judging" has a very different connotation. The Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 2:15 that "he who is sp

iritual judges all things," and in Philippians 1:9, "that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment..." (KJV). While many are quick to run to "Judge not, that you be not judged" as stated in Matthew 7, meanwhile happily ignoring the rest of the chapter, Scripture holds

righteous, godly judgment in an extremely high regard. When we use the synonym "discernment," however, our guards are let down and we admit how often we do (or should) utilize this God-given muscle. The gift of discernment which is available to all believers is often scripturally utilized in the con

text of prophetic ministry and Lord knows it is sorely lacking in our modern Church Age In 1 Corinthians 14:29 Paul writes, "Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others judge," and we all know the King James Version of 1 John 4:1 which states, "try the spirits whether they are of God: becau

se many false prophets are gone out into the world." The Apostle Peter taught us that no prophecy is for private interpretation, and yet that is a problem we see all too often today. Prophecy is not for private interpretation. It is not for unscriptural interpretation, spiritual abuse, feel-good wor

ds, or warm fuzzies. It is an utterance available to all believers, a gift to many, and an office for the governing of the Church to some. It is for the edification of the Body. In this day and age of of flimsy, inaccurate, soulish, and psychic attempts; of aversion and perversion; we must restore o

rder to this most valuable gift in the Body of Christ. We must become students of judging the prophetic. **NEWLY REFORMATTED** Desirée M. Mondesir is an emerging prophetic voice and thought leader in the arena of spiritual warfare. Her passion is challenging spiritually toxic mindsets and providin

g biblical tools for effective spiritual warfare. The author of such books as The Days of Noah and Lot, How I Fell Prey to Jezebel, Deborah: The Ultimate Jezebel-Preventative, and The Origin of Demons, she seeks to edify the Body of Christ through her various gifts. Connect with Desirée at DesireeMM

Developing and Validating the Questionnaire and Its Model for Sustainable and Scalable Authentic Contextual Learning Supported by Mobile Apps

為了解決Issue synonym的問題,作者嚴烏納 這樣論述:

如今,由於 COVID-19 大流行的影響,世界各地的教學和學習方法都發生了變化。在一些病毒高傳播率的地區,學校已經關閉,使得學習者必須在家學習。因此,需要行動技術,像是行動應用程式來促進學習者的學習。使用行動應用程式進行Authentic contextual learning (ACL)是一種可以期待的學習設計,它可以比傳統的課堂學習更快地提高學習者的學習效果。使用行動應用程式參與 ACL 的學習者可以隨時隨地透過探索自己周遭熟悉的環境進行學習。然而,行動應用程式的使用以及學習者學習的方式可能會導致學習者或他們的父母感到焦慮或是接受度問題。此外,儘管許多研究已經在教育實踐中透過行動應用程

式實測了 ACL,但沒有實證研究基於特定的 ACL 模型來解決行動應用程式對 ACL 的評估,因為相關文獻中不存在這樣的模型。本研究的目的是實測由行動應用程式輔助的 ACL,以促進學習者在 COVID-19 影響下的學習,並調查學習者和家長的焦慮和接受度相關的問題。此外,開發並驗證了一種模型,即sustainable and scalable authentic contextual learning (SSACL)模型,一個能取得特定模型並用於未來相關研究中評估 ACL的特定模型。因此,研究人員進行了三項研究來達成這些研究目標。 第一項研究的統計結果表明,父母對行動應用程式 U-Geo

metry 的真實情境學習的接受程度影響了學習者在技術和教學方面的接受程度。家長的感知易用性和感知有用性影響了學習者的感知易用性和技術方面的積極態度,且將U-Geometry 視為促進學習者 ACL 的學習工具。在教學方面,家長感知易用性正向的調和了學習者感知易用性與積極態度之間的關係;此外,父母的使用意向在學習者的積極態度和使用意向之間起了正向調和作用。這意味著家長對在家中使用行動應用程式實施 ACL 的接受程度與學習者的接受程度密切相關;因此,是值得讓家長在真實的環境中參與學習活動的。第二項研究調查了與焦慮、接受度以及學習者與家長的人口統計因素相關的問題。結果表明,父母在家中使用U-Geo

metry進行ACL後,其焦慮程度明顯低於學習者的焦慮程度。第三項研究顯示了這項長期研究的最重要結果,該研究採用行動應用程式的特定 SSACL 模型。根據結果,透過應用學習、健康學習、協作學習、認知、可持續性和可擴展性等六個基本因素來評估行動應用程式輔助的 ACL 中學習活動的成功與否。研究人員建議應用學習是ACL活動的基礎點,讓學習者在真實情境中學習的同時發展認知。除了通過應用、健康學習、協作學習和認知來滿足學習條件外,我們還可以實現可持續和可擴展學習的理想,以促進在真實環境中的學習。可持續學習確保學習者不斷學習;可擴展學習是指學習環境和地點規模的增加。

Science Talk: Changing Notions of Science in American Culture

為了解決Issue synonym的問題,作者Thurs, Daniel Patrick 這樣論述:

Science news is met by the public with a mixture of fascination and disengagement. On the one hand, Americans are inflamed by topics ranging from the question of whether or not Pluto is a planet to the ethics of stem-cell research. But the complexity of scientific research can also be confusing and

overwhelming, causing many to divert their attentions elsewhere and leave science to the "experts." Whether they follow science news closely or not, Americans take for granted that discoveries in the sciences are occurring constantly. Few, however, stop to consider how these advances--and the debate

s they sometimes lead to--contribute to the changing definition of the term "science" itself. Going beyond the issue-centered debates, Daniel Patrick Thurs examines what these controversies say about how we understand science now and in the future. Drawing on his analysis of magazines, newspapers, j

ournals and other forms of public discourse, Thurs describes how science--originally used as a synonym for general knowledge--became a term to distinguish particular subjects as elite forms of study accessible only to the highly educated.

ICONIQ商業計劃書 – 後疫情時代下非接觸式社會之3D虛擬人像全息投影商業化實踐

為了解決Issue synonym的問題,作者平間麗美 這樣論述:

This thesis is a startup business plan to commercialize the computer-rendered, AI-powered and holographically projected human graphical images called “3D Virtual Humans”. 3D Virtual Human was ideated using the Design Thinking approach of observing the persona behavior. Social distancing and communi

ty lockdowns for the prevention of COVID-19 are creating a restricted living environment (which this thesis calls “the contactless society”) and causing social inconveniences. It is also acting as one of the drivers for the economic slowdown. Furthermore, its influence on mental health is a growing

concern given how it creates social isolation. The fear towards spread of infectious diseases is generating the market demand for touchless transactions through chatbots. How might we add human touch to these faceless transactions and make life easy in the contactless society? This question was the

starting point of the business plan.This business plan identifies the intersection of feasibility, viability and desirability of 3D Virtual Human using various analytical frameworks. Chasm Theory analysis reveals the high production cost as a reason why the virtual humans currently remain only withi

n the entertainment industry and not yet mass adopted in other industries. Process analysis proposes improvement ideas for reducing the production time and cost. Analytical frameworks such as TAM-SAM-SOM, Business Model Canvas, Break Even Analysis logically outline the value proposition, financial f

easibility and business implementation plan.This business plan cautiously draws the line from the current hype of metaverse that contains many unknowns to be a meaningful marketplace. Selecting Japan as the initial scope of market for its “Society 5.0” to build an IoT country, it focuses on creating

a better living experience using holography in the physical environment rather than in the virtual reality through wearable devices. Within the USD 3.92 billion globally serviceable and addressable market of mixed reality, this business plan addresses the strategy to seize USD 230 million sales and

USD 78.85 million net income in Japan in five years.