Mostly synonym的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列包括賽程、直播線上看和比分戰績懶人包

Mostly synonym的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Buchholz, Bernd M.,Styczynski, Zbigniew寫的 Smart Grids: Fundamentals and Technologies in Electric Power Systems of the Future 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站Breast Cancer Signs and Symptoms也說明:The most common symptom of breast cancer is a new lump or mass (although most breast lumps are not cancer). A painless, hard mass that has ...

國立政治大學 英國語文學系 鍾曉芳所指導 王慶華的 近義詞ADMIT 和 CONFESS—以語料庫及問卷為本之研究 (2020),提出Mostly synonym關鍵因素是什麼,來自於近義詞、語料庫、短語、問卷。

而第二篇論文國立政治大學 華語文教學碩博士學位學程 賴惠玲所指導 李美慧的 基於語料庫之近義詞與中介語分析—— 以「改變」、「轉變」、「轉換」為例 (2020),提出因為有 近義詞、改變、轉變、轉換、中介語、語料庫的重點而找出了 Mostly synonym的解答。

最後網站10 Most Searched For Words in the Thesaurus則補充:A more specific version of an overused word often clarifies meaning and tone. 1. Important (153,000 searches a month). Synonyms: Significant ...


除了Mostly synonym,大家也想知道這些:

Smart Grids: Fundamentals and Technologies in Electric Power Systems of the Future

為了解決Mostly synonym的問題,作者Buchholz, Bernd M.,Styczynski, Zbigniew 這樣論述:

Nowadays, Smart Grid has become an established synonym for modern electric power systems. Electric networks are fed less and less by large, centrally planned fossil and nuclear power plants but more and more by millions of smaller, renewable and mostly weather-dependent generation units. A secure en

ergy supply in such a sustainable and ecological system requires a completely different approach for planning, equipping and operating the electric power systems of the future, especially by using flexibility provisions of the network users according to the Smart Grid concept. The book brings togeth

er common themes beginning with Smart Grids and the characteristics of power plants based on renewable energy with highly efficient generation principles and storage capabilities. It covers the advanced technologies applied today in the transmission and distribution networks and innovative solutions

for maintaining today's high power quality under the challenging conditions of large-scale shares of volatile renewable energy sources in the annual energy balance. Besides considering the new primary and secondary technology solutions and control facilities for the transmission and distribution ne

tworks, prospective market conditions allowing network operators and the network users to gain benefits are also discussed. The growing role of information and communication technologies is investigated. The importance of new standards is underlined and the current international efforts in developin

g a consistent set of standards are updated in the second edition and described in detail. The updated presentation of international experiences to apply novel Smart Grid solutions to the practice of network operation concludes this book. Dr. Bernd M. Buchholz and Prof. Dr. Zbigniew A. Styczynski

worked for many years to develop Smart Grid solutions within national and international projects and to introduce them in the practice of network operations.

近義詞ADMIT 和 CONFESS—以語料庫及問卷為本之研究

為了解決Mostly synonym的問題,作者王慶華 這樣論述:

近義詞組ADMIT及CONFESS於語義及句法使用上皆有重疊之處,例如:兩者皆能銜接名詞片語、介系詞片語以及that子句等。雖然這組近義詞組在語義或句法上的使用皆十分雷同,然而,在過往研究中並未論及兩者的差異,因此,本研究採用語料庫研究法,以《英國國家語料庫》(British National Corpus)作為研究工具,檢索ADMIT及CONFESS作為動詞的語料,並且從中隨機分別抽樣300筆進行分析。本研究採用短語的概念,包含了ADMIT及CONFESS的句法結構及ADMIT及CONFESS的語境之分析。另外,根據語料庫分析結果和從辭典中提取出的語義特徵,本研究亦包含一份問卷,此問卷旨在

檢驗英語者使用ADMIT和CONFESS時,面對不同的句法結構和語義特徵,是否影響這組近義詞的選用傾向。研究結果顯示ADMIT比CONFESS具有較高的使用頻率。此外,ADMIT擁有較 多的語義,另一方面,CONFESS則是被用來描述更狹窄且特定的語義。最後,ADMIT和不同的句法結構的搭配分佈較為平均,而CONFESS則更傾向與特定句型搭配。最後,本研究希望透過分析這組近義詞組在句法、語境及語義特徵的差異,來區辨ADMIT和CONFESS,並提供此方法以區辨別組近義詞組。

基於語料庫之近義詞與中介語分析—— 以「改變」、「轉變」、「轉換」為例

為了解決Mostly synonym的問題,作者李美慧 這樣論述:

  近義詞教學需奠基於語言本體上的辨析。在本論文中,先歸納前人針對不同詞類的近義詞所採用的分析方式,之後針對目標詞「改變」、「轉變」與「轉換」透過國教院語料庫隨機各取1111筆語料,由字源探究、句法結構、共現名詞與副詞、語意角色、路徑概念與意象圖示多面向分析,並由中介語語料庫觀察學習者的表現。  透過語料歸納發現,「改變」傾向使動用法,最高頻句式為「NP1+改變+NP2」,「轉變」傾向起動用法,最高頻句式為「NP2+轉變」,「轉換」上述兩句式比例接近,不過「AB轉換」結構為其獨有。在共現名詞與語意角色上,這三個動詞的NP1皆以有生命體居多,語意角色多為施事;NP2的語意角色以〈終點類〉之下的

〈內容〉居首,〈主體類〉次之,三者皆可與抽象名詞搭配,另外「改變」以活動類名詞、具體有生命體,「轉變」以心理狀態類與有生命體,「轉換」以具體無生命體為相對高頻共現名詞。在高頻共現副詞上,「改變」較常與態度副詞共現,「轉變」較常與時間副詞共現,與「轉換」共現的「互相」、「相互」則未見於另兩個動詞。路徑上,三者皆極少呈現完整路徑,僅呈現部分視窗,在意象圖示上,「改變」、「轉變」為單一範疇內部有所變化,「轉換」則有兩個以上不同範疇的預設,「改變」的主事者最常共現,「轉變」的外部力量最常隱現。  在中介語表現上,學習者能夠主動使用這三個動詞,但是「改變」有詞類與用法上的系統性偏誤,也有語意搭配上的錯誤
